SC - Anasazi beans

Stefan li Rous stefan at
Tue Jun 6 21:01:26 PDT 2000

Christine A Seelye-King wrote:

> Yep, chalk up another success story, Anne-Marie, this demo idea is a hit
> across the nation!

We had a fun time with it too!  We ran a small local demo a few weeks
ago - just a "day in the park" - and had the food demo as part of the
art/sci exhibits.  People loved it.  We put all the items in a basket;
most people just pointed and said "old, new, old, old, new..." rather
than pulling the items out.  (Couldn't blame 'em, as the carrots did
start to wilt somewhat in the heat...)

We gave everyone a recipe brochure with a variety of simple recipes that
could be produced from "supermarket" foods:  Cameline Beef Brewet, Pevre
Gresse (indicated to be served with sliced cold meats), Tart in Ymbre
Day and Gingerbrede, and some general information about period cooking
in the SCA.  

If anyone wants a copy of the brochure for use at their own demos,
e-mail me at magistra at and I'll send the file to you -
it's a PageMaker file at the moment but will be converted to .pdf soon.

- - Clotild

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