SC - Pennsic feast

Huette von Ahrens ahrenshav at
Fri Jun 16 19:39:18 PDT 2000

- --- Stefan li Rous <stefan at> wrote:
> Ras commented:
> > King Richard II is said to have fed 10000 people
> daily. He employed 1000 
> > cooks and 300 servitors........
> Ah, so we *could* serve all of Pennsic at a feast!
> And it would be 
> period! :-)

If these figures are correct, then the ratio of people
to cooks is 10 to 1, which isn't bad.  Most of my
banquets had the ratio of 50 people to one cook. 
However, the ratio of servitors to people is 30 to
one, which would make all of the servers totally
exhausted by the end of the meal.  I would rather have
500 servers.  Now as to the cooks, I guess that all
the cooks on this list would have to be expected to
pitch in.  Now, who would be head cook?  My opinion is
that only Duke Cariadoc or Master Adamantius could
pull off such a large endeavor. And where would we get
enough tables and chairs to seat 10000 people all at
once?  And serving platters and bowls and ... Oh the
logistics of this makes my head spin ... or else I am
in need of medication.


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