SC - Re: sca-cooks V1 #2348 rumpolt shrimp

Martina Grasse grasse at
Thu Jun 8 20:06:27 PDT 2000

Here is transliteration and translation of the recipes I posted earlier.

and Thomas... I wish I could find a way to attach shrimp to email... I could afford the kind of library I really want...

# 11 Nim die Krebsschwa:entz/ thu sie mit Butter in Austernschalen/ pfeffers/
vnd thu ein wenig Agrastbru:eh darein/ las in den Austernschalen auffsieden/ 
gib es also warm auf ein Tisch

11 Take the crawfish tails/ put them with butter into oystershells/ pepper (them)/ 
and put a little verjuice therein/ let it simmer in the oystershells/ 
give it warm to the table.

Wenn die Krebs klein seind/ so dreh das fo:erder am Schwantz herausz/ 
nim{m} die Oberschalen davon hinweg/ lasz die Schalen am Schwantz 
hengen/ pfeffers/ Saltzs vnd Mehls wol/ backs ausz der heiszen Butter/ gibs 
trucken also warm auff ein Tisch/ bestra:ew es mit einem Jngwer/ so ist es gut 
vnd wolgeschmack.

If the crawfish are small/ so twist the front away from the tail/ 
take the shells away/ (but) leave the shell attached at the tail/ 
pepper/ salt and flour (them) well/ bake (fry) them in the hot butter/ give 
dry and warm to a table/ sprinkle it with ginger/ so it is good 
and welltasting.

Gwen Cat von Berlin

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