SC - Rumpolt woodcuts (was: 90 ingredients ...)

Thomas Gloning gloning at Mailer.Uni-Marburg.DE
Sat Jun 10 13:04:08 PDT 2000


<< Gwen-Cat or Thomas, do either of you know when the woodcut was made
and added to Rumpold's book?  Is there evidence that the woodcuts are as
old as the recipes? >>

there are several Rumpolt versions: among the printed versions are
copies from 1581, 1587 and 1604 (Vicaire mentions copies from 1582 and
1586, too), and a manuscript dedication copy to Rudolf II., now in the
ÖNB Vienna. We all rely on the 1581 edition, because there is a reprint,
though there are rumors of a potatoe recipe in the 1587 edition...

Now, the woodcuts we have, were printed at the same time with the
recipes, in 1581. A few of them were taken from earlier culinary works,
and a few were repeated in different sections, too. Clearly, there is
some evidence, that Rumpolt had a handwritten collection of recipes
before ("auch etlich Jar ein gewisse Formul bey mir verzeichnet vnnd
beschrieben gehabt"; Vorrede), but we (or at least I) know nothing about
it. Also I do not know whether or not the dedication copy to Rudolf II.
antedates the first printed edition or not. Wiswe says, it is an
"Abschrift". In any case, it would be worthwile to compare the pictures.

So, if anybody comes to Vienna, don't forget to visit the
"Österreichische Nationalbibliothek" and call for the dedication copy of
Rumpolt for Rudolf II. ...


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