SC -poultry art, was 90 ingredients Holloptrida translation

Decker, Terry D. TerryD at Health.State.OK.US
Sat Jun 10 17:19:18 PDT 2000

> Commercial turkey farms seem to specialize in a white-feathered bird,
> which is, I suppose, the SA.  The traditional Pilgrim-type darkly
> variegated feathered bird would be the game bird, then?
The white birds are definitely domestic turkeys, but the Central American
turkey also comes in the greys and browns.  The key visual differences seem
to be a broader spread of upturned tail feathers on the North American bird.
The NA turkey being a woodland animal holds its body roughly horizontal to
the ground while the CA turkey holds itself more erect to see over plains
grasses.  BTW, I have encountered what I believe to be undomesticated
members of both species in Oklahoma, where there is a boundary between the
eastern hardwood forests and the Great Plains habitats.

> Haven't yet found Vincenzo Campi's The Poultry Seller (Cremona).  I know
> there were URLs posted giving web sites for food paintings, but can't
> find the citations.  Anybody else have them handy?
> Regards,
> Allison,     allilyn at
I don't know of any URL for The Poultry Seller.  We have a rather extensive
collection of works on art.  And I produced a transparency for a lecture on
Food in Renaissance Art.


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