SC - Goyim--a MISTRANSLATION (What I have a theory)

Jeff Heilveil heilveil at
Thu Jun 22 07:01:24 PDT 2000

Akim, I beg to differ with you on your translation.  You make us Jews
sound a heck of a lot meaner than we really are.  Goyim does NOT translate
to Cattle.  It is taken straight from Hebrew where it means Nations.  The
reason that it is used in a derogatory manner is that the Jews have
historically never been allowed to be part of the nation in which they
lived, often kept apart.  Therefore it was through envious longing that
goyim became the negative term that it is today.  You have no idea how
hard it was to get that idea across to the 7th graders I teach at
religious school. ("What's wrong with being part of a nation?  I don't get

In service.
Cu drag,

Jeffrey Heilveil M.S.		      Ld. Bogdan de la Brasov, C.W.
Department of Entomology	A Bear's paw and base vert on field argent
University of Illinois		    	  
heilveil at			     
office: (217) 244-5115
home: (217) 355-5702		       
ICQ: 34699710 	             

Once one dismisses the rest of all possible worlds, one finds that this is
the best of all possible worlds.
				 -Voltaire, _Candide_

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