SC - Re: Alcohol in food (RANT)

Tara Sersen tsersen at
Sat Mar 4 07:14:00 PST 2000

In a message dated 3/4/00 4:04:29 AM Eastern Standard Time, 
owner-sca-cooks at writes:

<< Personally, I have to admit that I have found this list can be a 
 bit intimidating at times.  It is also very humbling.  Most of
 the entries are critiqued on some way.  If it weren't for the 
 tidbits of knowledge that I gain along the way, I would say that
 its not worth my time to participate.  Just look at today as an
 example, over 200 new entries and how many of those were 
 responses critiquing the thoughts of the originator?
 <jumping down now and ducking for cover> >>

You are not the only one to feel this way now, or in the past. Don't duck, 
because your message to everyone is that people on this list could sometimes 
use a lesson in tact. It is ok and necessary to point out problems, 
inconsistencies and even downright incorrect information. But there is a good 
way and a not so good way.  We are here to help each other and share our 
knowledge, not to one-up each other. I have experienced both, and thank 
goodness most has been of the former not the latter. Otherwise I would have 
stopped posting long ago.

I am learning everyday, and I will never feel like I know it all (or even the 
tip of the iceberg) Someone who I respect very much, told me "The more you 
know the less you know" It has held true for everything from being an SCA 
cook, an Officer with the Canadian Government and a mother of 3 boys.



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