SC - Re: drinks ChannonM at
Sat Mar 4 13:58:07 PST 2000

> Is this common throughout the SCA?  If not, what beverages are
> at feast in other kingdoms?  And a question for Meridiens on the
> is it so expected as to be required?  Would the absence of iced tea
> ruin a feast?

Up here in Ealdormere it is rare that we see iced tea at events or
feast. Sekanjabin yes, real lemonade yes, beer, wine, mead yes, iced
tea no. I can't recall ever seeing it served.

This thread reminded me of my first iced tea experience at War. I
certainly wasn't expecting it to be unsweetened (which I understand to
be normal in that part of the States?) and I almost fell out of my
shoes with that first big gulp and almost spewied my shopping friend
with the surprising beverage. In Cda here ice tea is always sweetened.

For camping events I frequently make a lemon syrup concentrate at
home, freeze it and then just add it to my water as needed. This is a
good alternative to those of us that can't even brush their teeth with
mint toothpaste let alone drink somewthing made out of mint. This is
not an allergy though, just a personal dislike.


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