SC - Re: Rattlers and Rabbits and Bears Oh My!

Siegfried Heydrich baronsig at
Sun Mar 5 06:40:12 PST 2000

    heh. I did pickled lace eggs (take hard boiled eggs, roll the shells so
they're fractured into little pieces without removing them, then pickle. The
cracks will discolor more than the rest of the egg, giving a lace effect
when peeled) once, and served 'em up as Dragon Oysters. For the Queen, I did
the same to a couple of Quails eggs.
    When they were served to the high table, the King got a couple of jumbo
eggs, and the Queen got a couple of the tiny little Quail eggs. She looked
at his, looked at hers, and asked about the difference. The server then
looked down demurely, and said "Well, Your Majesty, sometimes the Dragon
wins . . .". Took the Queen ten minutes to stop giggling.


> She didn't know you very well, did she? A man who would serve his
> on a plate, is a man with no fear. (Although I wasn't present to witness
> event, I would have loved to have been there)

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