SC - cherry tarts & A Tarte to provoke courage

Bethany Public Library betpulib at
Mon Mar 6 21:03:19 PST 2000

Heartfelt and tearful greetings from Aoife!

I'm back, after a 2 year absence. Didja miss me? I really missed the list.
My goodness, how the volume of digests has increased! I'm so impressed,

Here's a theory question for you:

My apprentice, Ragnar Keitelsson (who may or may not be here on the list
today) told me that out in his neck of the woods, the wilds of Pittsburgh,
they have two kinds of kitchens: The Laurel (or gonna-be) kitchen, and the
Pelican (or gonna-be) kitchen. I'm asking this: do you think this is
appropriate? Personally, I feel that a laurel kitchen IS THE SAME as a
Pelican kitchen. What do you think?

hugs all round, after such a long absence, and from work at the library
(only here three days a week, so have patience with over-the weekend



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