SC - Traps?

Decker, Terry D. TerryD at Health.State.OK.US
Tue Mar 7 21:01:57 PST 2000

Greetings unto the list!

     So here I am, reading a recipe for a tart, and trying to
redact it, when I see it says, "Take a crust ynche depe in a
trap." So I say to myself, "Self, what exactly is a trap?"  I
checked out some other recipes, and noticed that they referred
to it as well..."and bake it in a trap."  Now as I am sitting
here, I'm wondering...was the trap the crust of the tart, and
does it therefor have a top on it? (Seeing as the filling would
be "trapped" inside.)  Or is it the vessel it was cooked in, as
in a dutch oven? (Where coals are put under, around and over and
the tart would be "trapped" in that.)  

     So I ask you all, which is it?  The vessel, or the crust? 
Or is it even something completely different than that?

     Thanks in advance!

     Yours In Service,


Amy E. Sousa
 Lady Elisabeth Borden, Barony of the Bridge, EK

 ---Si hoc legere scis Nimium Eruditionis Habes---
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