SC - King Henry VIII eating practices RichSCA at
Thu Mar 16 07:56:13 PST 2000

>But it _is_ 80's- it was one of the things served at a wedding shower my
>aunt threw for me in spring of '83. She called it 'Dirt', and there was
>the crunchy chow mein noodles for worms, and little bits of licorice for

yeah, I remember seeing a ice cream cake done on that variant with Gummies 
and Oreo bits, the 80's are the reason I lost my sweet tooth.

>But even worse- at a party a girlfriend of mine threw in '84 (I had
>Annie but we were still in Tacoma) she made a not-so-subtlety called a
>'Catbox'- a brand-new litterbox, filled with Grape Nuts, with
>chocolate-covered peanuts and raisins, Tootsie Rolls, and Baby Ruth
>stirred into the cereal. A couple of women were so grossed out they left
>the room.

Now that is neat, I have to file that one away for halloween...

>-My hair then required mousse, hotrollers, and 'scrunching'. Occasional
>perms. Now? Tint it to cover the white, wash it, finger comb it, let it
>go. Curling iron if I'm going to an interview.

(who had long forest green hair in 87 and much preferred it to his current 
mix of natural colors (brown, red, blonde, and the occasiional grey, but the 
hair has pretty much been straight and long)

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