SC - Pennsic Great Court RichSCA at
Thu Mar 16 13:42:25 PST 2000

 Rayne wrote:
 :To tell the truth, I do not enter them because I feel that my work is just
 :not up to the  level that the judges are looking for.  Why waste their
 :I enjoy looking at the entries and when they are set up so the populace can
 :vote, I am there to share my 2 cents worth.
 If you lived near me, things would change. Competition with thoughtful
 discussion is one of the places where it is possible to dramatically
 increase knowledge of period cuisine (the other being the popular redaction
 Lastly, you must always tailor your entry to the competition, rather than
 saying "I have a great recipe for lamb stew...let's go to an event this
 weekend so i can enter it in a competition".

 Aoife----will I get skinned alive for admitting this stuff?
>From Rayne  (reading and learning from all this)   I hope the bold type comes 
across (it is the last paragraph) - I had not really thought of this.  I did 
KNOW that we don't Marshal Arms in the SCA.  It is a hobby that I had 
mundanely.  Perhaps I should have "expected" that the judges were not 
"experts" in this area and should have submitted it has a paper with 
documentation WITH the display board AND entered it as a PAPER rather than in 
the Heraldry category.   hmmmm, more food for thought from the Cooks List. 


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