SC - Babies have taste buds

Brian L. Rygg or Laura Barbee-Rygg rygbee at
Fri Mar 17 14:45:48 PST 2000

I couldn't eat anything with chili powder in it while I was pregnant because
it gave me horrible heartburn (never had it before).  I was raised in San
Antonio and tacos, burritos, etc. are part of my normal diet.  Two weeks
after I delivered I thought, "I can have tacos again" -- wrong, she nursed
but screamed bloody murder from gas pains for a full 24 hours. Couldn't
resume normal diet for another couple months.  for some reason, garlic never
bothered her, just chili powder.


> Just a quick comment.  After having my first baby (a girl) I lived just
> of the Mexican border in Arizona and I LOVE Mexican food.  I soon learned
> that if I ate my favorite spicy tacos she would NOT nurse. I asked the
> if this was my imagination and was told that babies have taste buds and
> foods/spices can come through the mother's milk and some babies won't
> if they don't like it.

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