SC - Period recipes/Adapting recipes (The Onion Book Info) RichSCA at
Sun Mar 19 05:37:30 PST 2000

We will have to agree to disagree on this one My Friend.

It's not that I am anti-progress, or even anti-biotec, but we differ on what 
is an acceptable risk. Given what we've done in the past with such wonders as 
DEET and DDT I tend to urge a little more caution. Certainly I can say the 
truth lies somewhere in the middle.

My chief objection to GM foods is that there is still a lot of resistance to 
labeling them as such. In a country that has come all too close to banning 
the use of certain very useful herbs (that happen to be unpatentable btw) I 
find this very odd behavior.

 I also don't like the idea of designing food crops that grow only where you 
use the company of origin's fertilizer and other modified seeds that produce 
sterile seeds. I worry, perhaps with little actual grounding, or perhaps 
wisely, that the pollen from these crops might cause a problem with other 
seed crops.

I also don't like food crops, such as this corn, that give bugs the 
equivalent of leaky bowel syndrome being unlabeled on the market. Certainly 
no immediate risk has been found, but I intend to eat corn for as long as I 
can, will this eventually get to me too? They also modify food crops to be 
resistant to Roundup ... of course, nobody seems to have checked yet to see 
how much the plant absorbs into it's cells. I'd think this might be an area 
of concern for me.

Certainly, tests are required, and certainly, given the litigious nature of 
our culture, companies are going to take steps to insure safety to their 
satisfaction. The key phrase is to their satisfaction. I spent ten years in 
advertising, and I know that particular beast. All I want, nay, require, is 
that they tell me what it is I'm eating. That is the bottom line. It would be 
nice if they'd be more careful about dancing on the edge of causing famine 
too, but I figure eventually the earth may just shake us off like a bad virus 
anyway, so what the heck... If you disagree I can live with that. If you 
think the cautionary notes are just some sort of Luddite naysaying I can live 
with that. But I cannot live with the ability for me to make a choice to be 
blocked in such a fashion. Let the market decide.

Yours in friendship


In a message dated 3/18/2000 11:47:01 PM Eastern Standard Time, 
LrdRas at writes:

> Therefore, I find this study to be 
>  sensationalist and without any valid grounds barring further information 
>  including a transcript of the entire study and the basis for the 
>  'problems'.

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