SC - Addressing things publicly (Re: Re: THAT IS ENOUGH!!!! was Re: privte....) grizly at
Mon Mar 20 05:42:31 PST 2000

Oh, I can do this one.  :-)  I have my Onion Book...

Red Onions are NOT Spanish onions.  And I now Quote from the Book:

"Red Onions are similar to Spanish onions in their characteristics:  Their 
flavor is sharp, sweet, and pungent; their texture is a bit courser, with a 
very thick wrapper.  Uncooked, red onions make a handsome addition to salads 
of all types.  However, when cooked, these onions lose some of their color, 
sometimes taking on a greenish hue." 


In a message dated 3/19/00 11:15:35 PM Central Standard Time, 
allilyn at writes:

<< These sound pretty good.  The chicken with red onions is interesting--the
 only red onion I know is one we call Spanish onion, which does indicate
 the southern origins of this ms.  Do you suppose that red onions were
 traded to Denmark, Holland and Germany, or is this a recipe added for
 curiosity's sake, that he didn't expect to be able to prepare at home?
   That recipe doesn't appear to be one of the ones in the version I have,
 so if you have a chance to translate it, I'd like to have it, and the
 omelets, which seem to be missing, also.
 >>A dish called kloten en honær (chicken soup with meatballs)<<
 The dish by that name in His Grace's cookbook doesn't make me think of
 soup with meatballs, but I guess it could be done that way.  I'll watch
 for your translations, as you have time, and your notes on the
 comparisons.  Thanks.
 Allison,     allilyn at

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