SC - Platina meat roll w/questions grizly at
Mon Mar 27 20:22:24 PST 2000

    As a fighter, part time carpenter (in florida), and someone who takes
his health seriously, I tried lots of different hot weather foods. What I've
found that's just flat out organic rocket fuel are olives - ripe are good,
brine cured are better, and oil cured are nothing short of awesome!
Manzanilla olives are ok, but don't give you a shot of energy like the
blacks. They're good thirst quenchers, though.
    The oils metabolize very quickly, burn very hot,, and don't spike your
insulin levels, so there's no crash. They contain high levels of the salts
your body craves, and it's really easy to carry a small baggie full of them
in your belt pouch. I've been able to fight all day on olives and gatorade
and not get exhausted, while the guys doing the sodas and sandwiches were
flaking out like new recruits at Paris Island.
    If you want to vary it a bit, a nice antipasto (olives, peppers, salami,
mozzarella, giardinera) is about the best all around hot weather nosh I've
ever come across. And the second best is Gazpacho. Try it sometime when
you're hot & tired.


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