SC - don't cringe too bad....

Laura C. Minnick lcm at
Wed Mar 29 00:19:17 PST 2000

>This is why Mickey D's french fries are the yummiest 
>in the world.

Ah, then you haven't tasted Cod and Chips cooked in Beef Dripping and
served in newsprint.  Not sure if it's the beef dripping or the
newsprint that makes it tasty...

Does anyone seriously deep fry in Beep Dripping these days? (It is
seriously tasty but had deletious (sic) effects of the arteries...)

  I don't think they would allow their Asian franchisees (if 
>these are even franchise stores) to meddle with the product.

In Kuala Lumpur in the 80's, I was able to get a McRendang in one of
the stores (and I have the tray sheet to prove it..)  Basically,
stewed beef rendang style (slightly on the dry side) slepped into a
bun.  Not very tasty...



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