SC - Publishing a redacted/translated Book

Valoise Armstrong varmstro at
Thu Mar 30 17:27:54 PST 2000

 Frederich wrote:
> First let me apologize if this message is a repeat.  I am not sure if my
> system lost my message before it was went out.
> A Spanish Instructor whom has started helping me translate a period Spanish
> cookbook would like some information on how to publish a translated cookbook.
>  I have mentioned the possibility of a small market among SCA people.
> Could any of you that have published care to share with her how to go about
> it and what it expect.  I may be helping with the redaction's and any artwork.

When I published my translation of Sabina Welserin a couple of years
ago, I found it to be really easy to do. I only did a small batch of
50 copies, reproduced and spiral bound at a local copy shop and sold
them all. I never did any more because I was in the throws of
finishing my master's thesis and job hunting. Even though I enjoyed
the publication and sales process, I decided that providing access
to the information was most important to me so I took Cariadoc up on
his offer to provide a home to the text on his web page.

If you go ahead with the project and decide that you just want to
produce the books and not sell them, there are a number of book
dealers on this list and elsewhere who can take them to events for

For a more 'big time' example of self publishing, look at the
Thousand Eggs or More and Sip Through Time books that Cindy Renfrow
puts out. Hers are more polished and printed in much larger batches
than my tiny experiment with publishing, but very inspirational. 


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