SC - Re: Zabaglione CBlackwill at
Thu Mar 30 22:16:51 PST 2000

> << blueberries >>
>  : a variable moisture-loving No. American shrub (Vaccinium 
> corymbosum) that  is the source of most cultivated blueberries; also:
its fruit > 
> (Is there a European species that I am not aware of?)

	Well, I can't find it just now, but I have several quotes about the
similarities between the American blueberry and the European bilberry.  
Ok, I found one in the Florilegium, and it's from Cariadoc, what do you
know ;)

Anyway, here's Cariadoc's comment:

Blueberry ...

It appears from comments by Simmons that the term "blueberry" describes a
number of different New World species of the genus <i>Vaccinium</i>; the
bilberry, which is a member of the same genus, is Old World. The
produces "larger and better flavored berries than the European bilberry."
According to McGee, "The cultivated blueberry, a native of the American
north, and northwest, has been purposely bred only since about 1910 ...

> <<cashews>>
> a tropical American tree (Anacardium occidentale of the family 
> Anacardiaceae, the cashew family) grown for a phenolic oil and the
edible kernel of its nut and for a gum from its stem;>
> I am aware of the term being used by the Portuguese as early as 1598 
> CE. Are there earlier references to this nut? Or better yet it's actual
> as food?  This is my favorite nut. :-)
> Ras

	No, I was working with the impression of it being a Spanish nut, I guess
it was the late hour or perhaps I was recalling the Portuguese reference.
 OK, so strike cashews and add chestnuts and pine nuts (not really grab
and go foods, but that's ok.) 
	Aoife mentioned the celery, and I just found this as I was looking for
the bit about the berries:
	As early as the 9th century, Strabo writes:
	"Celery is now held cheap in our gardens and many think
Taste is its only merit.  But it has its virtues
And offers quick help in many remedies." ("XX.  Celery",  HORTULUS)

	Keep the questions coming.  This was a quick-and-dirty effort, and it
worked beautifully, by the way, but I want to refine it so that there are
few really out of our era things on it (see, I didn't use the 'p' word!).
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