SC - Cooking fun at work-or dragging people into the middle ages...

margali margali at
Sat Mar 4 07:28:59 PST 2000

I cant wait to get back the 'formal' review [my company has a habit of
using review response cards for its presentations, which I heartily
applaud.] Since I gave out little cards with the resource information on
them, it will be interesting to see if they actually go out and buy
copies of 1000 eggs!

My first article that I am doing is for the history of easter and
traditional foods for christians of the roman catholic realm[I dont want
to have to explain and deal with the various other ortodoxies, oy!]  I
figure a bit about roman and celtic holidays and traditions in the
easter timeframe, and then an early medieval take, a late medieval take
and a renaissance take, segueeing into pilgrim/colonial america to show
how the whole bunny egg lamb thing has sort of stuck with us.
Oh, good show.  Congratulations on converting the unknowing!

On Fri, 03 Mar 2000 20:24:51 -0500 margali <margali at> writes:
> I got asked to make enough noshes for the people at work  for a party
> today - the bosses had a major egg supplier in for a meeting and
> training session for our sales force...they wanted egg recipes

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