[Trimaris] Re: SC - Highnesses, Lownesses, and Period Cooking.

Laura C. Minnick lcm at efn.org
Wed Mar 1 11:31:03 PST 2000

Maitress Dulcia,

I have one comment to make regarding your missive- I won't address it
all because I am as tired of this as your are. 

And my comment?

I have seen letters like this before, printed in kingdom newsletters, or
even in a "Guide to the Reign of..." booklets. We are all well aware
that people, and even exalted ones such as royalty, have personal
preferences and dietary needs.

However, Her Highnesses' letter was not confined to the personal level-
and I think that this is why things became so enflamed. If she had said
"His Highness and I have some personal preferences/medical concerns" and
asked that the cooks conatct the designated retinue person for more info
or (less nice but ok I'd think) listed specific things they'd prefer not
to encounter, that would have been perfectly acceptable. But the letter
suggested that period food was inedible not just to TRH's, but to the
majority of the populace, and that cooking and presenting period food at
a feast was an undue burden not to THR's, but again to the majority of
the populace. And the majority of the cooks I know got a little freaked
out. Their 'livelihood', in a matter of speaking has been threatened.
With so broad a brush being used, more than just personal preferences
are affected.

I understand personal preferences- I have cooked for royals, for groups
in camp, for people on weird diets and for people with allergies.
Generally accomodations can be made or alternatives arranged. But I
don't recall any of those persons suggesting that the changes be made
across the board to everyone's meal.

If I may, I would suggest that the Princess publish a 'clarification'
(not a retraction perhaps- that might be even more misunderstood), in
the next available kingdom newsletter. Perhaps it could say something
such as: 

"Oh dear- I'm afraid my last letter caused some consternation that I did
not intend for it. Perhaps I should clarify: HRH and I have some
preferences/health concerns that we wanted to make sure that our cooks
were aware of. I did not intend to suggest that our preferences should
limit the rest of the feasters, in fact we would encourage our cooks to
do what they do best, and we hope that the populace can learn to enjoy
and appreciate the efforts of our culinary artisans...etc. etc. etc."

Perhaps by backing up a little and allowing for misunderstandings on
both sides, a letter like that can allow for some face-saving and a
resolution, while also providing that TRH's dietary needs can quietly be
honored. And wasn't that was the intent was in the first place?


Elaine de Montgris 
Summits, An Tir

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