SC - Chicory in coffee - OOT

lilinah at lilinah at
Mon Mar 6 11:03:19 PST 2000

I wrote:
>I think "Chock Full O'Nuts" is mostly an East Coast (US) thing, 
>though, because i remember the "Chock Full O'Nuts" restaurants (if 
>you can deign to call them that) in New York City. The company dates 
>back to the 1920's i think.
>I do have a "Chock Full O'Nuts" can, though (not the coffee), 
>because i like the old Art Deco style of the graphics. I got it in 
>the 1970's. They've no doubt revised it and the graphics are 
>probably not as cool anymore.

Well, they have their own website (surprise, surprise)

I use netscape and so i just typed the name into the location 
(without http or www) and it came up.

But the first time i made a typo and, woo, woo, i got some 
"interesting" sites listed. I typed "cock full o nuts". Ouch!

I'm no prude, but, uh, well, it wasn't what i was looking for.

Anyway, apparently Chock Full o'Nuts was founded in 1932 and is the 
FOURTH LARGEST coffee roaster in the US (scary). Looks like they 
haven't changed their can design much. Still very Art Deco 
(commercial not arty).

"Chock full o'Nuts began in 1932 as a nut shop (hence the name), but 
its founder soon converted to selling coffee. This became the basis 
for a chain of counter-service coffee shops that, at its peak, 
included more than 100 units [which, as they say, they "exited in the 
1980's"]. In the early 1950's, in response to the enormous popularity 
of Chock coffee in its shops, the company began selling to 
supermarkets in the New York area. "

"Since then, the Chock brand has become a favorite of consumers in 
major cities across the country. Best-known among its products is 
Chock full o'Nuts premium, vacuum-packed, All-Method Grind coffee. 
More recently, upscale Chock full o'Nuts Cafe Blend coffees have 
been added. These are available both in regular and decaffeinated 
versions and in Rich European Roast and 100% Colombian varieties that 
use only the choicest available Arabica beans. Such premium quality 
brands yield better profit margins than regular coffees sold 
primarily on the basis of price. "

So it's easy folks... Who's going to open that chain of Medieval 
(REAL Medieval) restaurants?

Chock full o'Knights?

Ananhita al-shazhiyya
who doesn't buy Columbian
I prefer Indonesian and Ethiopian or actual Mocha, which is from 
Arabia somewhere (Yemen?)

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