SC - Cooking Equipment in Scappi

Linda Taylor lmt_inpnw at
Thu Mar 9 01:45:02 PST 2000

Hello, Listies,

I was looking through the illustrations of kitchen equipment and kitchen 
scenes from Bartolomeo Scappi's book _Opera, Dell'Arte del Cucinare_ 1570, 
as reproduced in the 1996 edition of Elizabeth David's _Italian Food_. Wow! 
Lots of drawings of pans, cauldrons, ladles, knives, griddles, and some 
folks at work in their kitchens. Among the things shown are people rolling 
out pasta (on a table labelled _tavola da pasta_) with a rolling pin, which 
appears to be an untapered cylinder about 16-18 inches long and 1-1/2 to 2 
inches in diameter. Also, I remember someone asked about graters a while 
back - in the utensils section there is an item labelled _gratta casio_, 
cheese grater. It is a flat square plate marked all over with dots - I can't 
tell whether they are supposed to be holes punched through or something 
else, the picture is very small. It has a leg attached to the back to keep 
it propped up, which tells us something about the way it was used.

There is too much here to try to describe it all at once, but I'll be happy 
to try if anyone wants to ask about anything in particular.

BTW, does anyone know whether the whole Scappi manuscript is out there 
somewhere? How many pages of pictures does it have in all? I have 6 pages of 
kitchen scenes and 7 of cooking equipment. I don't have any text other than 
the captions in the pictures.


Morwyn of Wye, O.L.
Barony of Three Mountains, An Tir
(Portland, OR, USA)
mka Linda Taylor, lmt_inpnw at

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