SC - Help for Eastern European Feast

Thomas Gloning gloning at Mailer.Uni-Marburg.DE
Mon Mar 13 18:17:01 PST 2000

<< ... that there are various recipes in Marx Rumpolt that are listed as
being "Hungarian". >>

Yes, there are. As in several other cookbooks. Here is a somewhat
premature list, as there are more recipes Nanna and Lady Brighid posted
that are not yet incorporated, there are still more recipes in Rumpolt
not yet in this list, and are still more cookbooks to look at... We had
some discussion about the "value" of such recipes, a while ago. Anyway,
to give you an idea:

14th century/ 15th century

Frati p. 59 = Faccioli I, 97-98 (Torta ungareca per XII persone) 

CXIII Torta ungaresca per xii persone.
Toy uno capone ben grasso e toy uno lombolo de porco grande e do cepole
grosse e meza libra de specie dolze
e fine e toy tre libre d'onto fresco che non sia salato e toy tanta
farina che sia tre pani, la megliore, che tu poy
avere; e toy lo capone e 'l lombolo del porco e fane morselletti e de le
do cepole fane morselletti e meti queste
cosse a sofriger [soflriger_Ed.] in lo songiazo fresco in quantità; e de
le dite dolze e zafarano assay e un poco
de sale; e quando è ben sofrito mitige un bichiero d'aqua ch'el se cocha
senza compimento, e toli la farina e
destruta con aqua fresca insalata con un pocho de salina e menala molto
forte, e quando è ben menato, toy uno
testo de ramo ben stagnato e onzilo ben de questo lardo fresco che tu
ay. Toy la pasta e menala e sotiliata con
una mescola e fala sotille, e siate due a traer sotille a foglio con
lardo e fane infina a XVIII fogli, et postea toy
questo batuto de capon e de altre cosse fane uno solo suso questa metà,
e poni tante altre foglie sopra questo
solo ben inaffiato ziaschuno per si di lardo e fa una crosta de sopra
per vardia. Questa torta vole poco foco sotto
e ben foco di sopra, e poy fare per piu, o per men, toiando le cosse a
questa mesura." (I hope the special
characters go through.) 

Jean de Bockenheim, Registrum coquinae,
c. 1430-50, ed. Laurioux 1988

Nr. 36 Alia basteda pro magnatis (the 'magnates' were the aristocrats in
Poland and Hungary) 

Nr. 37 Alia torta pro Ungaris et Bohemis 

16th century

- -- Philipina Welser (1545) 141.17 (ain hecht ein machen auf vngeresch) 

- -- Sabina Welser (1553) S.24.12 & Nr. 191 (hecht jn ainer vngerischen

- -- Heidelberg: Codex palatinus germanicus 293, fol. 26r (Wiswe 108 &

- -- Heidelberg: Codex palatinus germanicus 555, fol. 111r (Wiswe 108 &

- -- Kleines Klosterkochbuch (ed. Otto, Leipzig 1856; not a very reliable
source; the text is somewhat
modernized, the manuscript was not found any more in later times):
p. 11 (Ein Hecht auf hungarisch zu sieden),
p. 31 (Wilde oder zahme Gänse, Enten und Kapphanen auf hungarisch
p. 34 (Junge Hühner auf hungrisch),
p. 65 (Eine Gallart von jungen Ferkeln auf hungarisch zu bereiten), 
p. 67 (Ein Rinderbraten auf Hungarisch),
p. 113 (Sauerkraut auf hungarisch anzurichten). 

- -- Anna Wecker (1598), p. 224f. (Ein Koppen vnd andere Hünerqualen oder
Schlegel/ Kälbern oder Schepsen
auff Vngrisch zu bereiten). 

- -- Rumpolt, Ein new Kochbuch, 1581
hungarian recipes or characteristics mentioned on fol. 18r, 33v, 38r,
40r, 42r, 49v, 53r, 81r, 82v, 85v, 97v,
110r, 106r etc. (according to Wiswe 108; you might also search for
"vnger" in our online-passages from
Rumpolt, to see some of the mentioned recipes) 

- -- Meßisbugo, Libro novo, 1557
fol. 17r (Trutte in vino alla Ongaresca; only mentioned; no recipe) 
fol. 107r (A fare potaccio di pesce, all' Ongaresca) 

17th century

- -- Grazer Kochbuch 1686, 97.1 (Ungarisch überschlagenes Pastetel) 

- -- Wolfenbüttel: Codex Guelferbytanus 51 Aug. 4°, fol. 218v; 223r (Wiswe
108 & note) 

- -- Coler (1665) p. 50 & 57 (Wiswe 108 & notes) 

18th century

- -- Riedlinger Kochbuch 1710, 33.9 // 52.14 // 54.11 // 56.11 // 231.13
(ein guet vngerische Suppen vber einen
Hächten/ einen Karpffen/ ein Hienel) 

- -- Riedlinger Kochbuch 1710, 73.9 (ungerischer Kopaun) 

<< I don't think that there are any extant Prussian cookbooks from our

There is one called by Gollub, its editor, "Aus der Küche der deutschen
Ordensritter", published in Prussia 31 (1935) 118-129. Might be worth a
look. An electronic version of the original German text is on my
website. Not easy to read, however.

(just call me "Thomas")

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