SC - questions

Stefan li Rous stefan at
Sun Mar 5 00:25:17 PST 2000

Magdalena asked: 
> I just started with period cooking and bought Pleyn Delit. I cook for 8 
> normally I tend to lean towards one pot meals over an open fire when we are 
> camping. Can someone suggest a period cook book that would have mostly stews 
> & soups?

Well, I can't suggest a particular period cookbook for these, but you might
want to check these files in the FOOD section of my Florilegium:
soup-msg         (104K) 12/ 1/99    Medieval soups. Cooking soups at
stews-bruets-msg  (55K) 12/ 2/99    Period stews and bruets. Recipes.

Some of the dishes in these files might also meet your needs:
rice-grains-msg   (78K) 12/21/99    Medieval rice and grains. Recipes. Cooking.
campfood-msg      (84K)  3/ 3/99    Non-refrig., period food for camping events.

These files might be useful more for technique than specific recipes, though:
cook-ovr-fire-msg (46K)  3/ 3/00    Cooking over open fires. Outdoor feasts.
iron-pot-care-msg (22K)  2/ 1/00    Seasoning and caring for iron pots

- -- 
Lord Stefan li Rous    Barony of Bryn Gwlad    Kingdom of Ansteorra
Mark S. Harris             Austin, Texas           stefan at
**** See Stefan's Florilegium files at: ****

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