SC - RE: Roe

LrdRas at LrdRas at
Fri Mar 10 08:39:22 PST 2000

In a message dated 3/10/00 10:49:31 AM Eastern Standard Time, troy at 

<<  I was compelled to consume the
 > > roes lest they go to waste. They were particularly unpleasant >>

The next time you have the privilege to get any of this delicacy, I would 
recommend soaking the roe over night in salt water and carefully removing the 
membranes the next day before continuing with your recipe. This jot only 
should remove bitterness but also removes any overpowering fishy taste and 
sweetens it.

OTOH, not all fish roes are edible and, IIRC, a few species may be poisonous. 
Did you check to see if porgy roe was edible first? As a side note, bluegill 
roe is particularly tasty as I bullhead roe. Soak, saute in butter and then 
mix with scrambled eggs for a tasty breakfast or brunch dish.


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