SC - Expectations, and EXPECTATIONS, of the list

Philip & Susan Troy troy at
Mon Mar 20 08:14:06 PST 2000

Bruce Staples wrote:
>     I am indeed a newcomer to the list and what I expected is exactly what the
> good Lady
> explained  above, a place where I could share my fondness for period cookery
> with like minded gentles. Instead I found a personal forum which a select group
> of people are using as basically a chat line for their own use. Like her I am
> wondering what I signed up for...this list is doing little more than cluttering
> up my mailbox. As a SCAdian maybe I expected too much in terms of the behaviour
> of people on this list.

No, I think you just arrived at an unfortunate time in the proceedings.
It happens occasionally, but not often. The last couple of days have had
an unfortunate signal-to-noise ratio. I can't defend this, except to say
that "me too" posts are as responsible for noise versus signal as a lot
of other things. That said, at times the best thing to do in a case like
this is to take the initiative. Was there some topic you'd like to
discuss? Give the kiddies something constructive to do and they argue
less often. 

For myself, I am waiting for a suitable block of time to launch my Final
Inititative (hah!) on the Cuskynole Question, with some newish evidence.
I also have questions on Seumas's rye pie pastry, and worm-shaped pasta,
but these will take up chunks of writing time, so I sort of need to plan
on doing them.

So choose a topic, if you feel like it. It can't help but improve the
noise problem.

respectfully and in all seriousness,
- -- 
Phil & Susan Troy

troy at

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