SC - Recepies wanted

Jeff Gedney JGedney at
Thu Mar 23 06:53:28 PST 2000

>  I was doing a feast and was looking for some recipes.  I have the recipes for 
> the main part of the feast but I haven't found any period recipes for the 
> deserts I want to serve.  The deserts I am interested in are Frangipani, 
> Macaroons, Milan Cakes or Flavored Ice.  If anyone has any suggestions where 
> I could find them please let me know.  Thank you for your time.

This, In my opinion, is not the best way of doing things.
It sounds to me that you have some favorite recipes/desserts, and are seeking
to justify serving themn at a feast, by documenting these desserts as "period"
This is going about it backward.
If you want to serve desserts, look at period recipes, and find some you'd like 
to serve. If they happen to resemble desserts you already like, fine, if not, 
maybe you'll get some new favorites! 
But the point is that you are not seeking to from history around what you 
already want to serve, but serving what you want from history recipes.
I am not sure if that is coming accross clearly. No doubt His Grace Cariadoc
could say it better ( he has been saying it longer!! ).
In any case, you do not HAVE to document what you serve as "period", just 
serve it if you like it. Just don't call it "Period" food/desserts. 
If you want to serve it, serve it. If you wnat period recipes, find period recipes
and use them. I have personally started out by reading a book of recipes, and 
bookmarking all the ones I thought would be nice to make, then picking the 
menu from that. 
Picking the menu then trying to find period recipes for it does not have the 
same chances of success (since not all recipes are period), and often leads 
to abuses of the term "period" (such as finding that the ingredients were known 
in period, therefore the recipe is acceptable period, even though the ingredients
may not in fact have usually been eaten by people in the form used, such as 
potatoes and chocolate). 
If you choose modern recipes, and seek to document them, then you will not 
always succeed, since there are modern recipes that were invented after 
period, and chances are that some of the modern recipes you want to document 
have no period andtecessors.
If however you choose from a group of known period recipes, then you are
guaranteed to have period recipes, since that is what you started from. 

Just my opinion....


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