SC - Food Attitude

LrdRas at LrdRas at
Thu Mar 23 21:58:32 PST 2000

In a message dated 3/23/00 7:24:51 PM Eastern Standard Time, phil at 

<< Not quite everywhere - the attitude that period food in general is 
 weird and yucky seems to be utterly unknown here.  >>

This is the same in Aethelmearc and a good portion of the East Kingdom. I 
tend to think that period is 'weird' is regional and not a general attitude 
held by a majority of people. However, a vocal minority can make the problem 
seem larger than it actually is. For instance, the statement that 'fighters' 
are more prone to reject period food is a myth, at least ion my neck of the 
woods. The fighters here are very supportive of A & S and make it clear that 
they are disappointed if the feast is not a reasonable attempt at period food 
(or at least the fighters that have taken the time to pre-register for the 
feast). :-)


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