SC - Traps?

Decker, Terry D. TerryD at Health.State.OK.US
Tue Mar 7 21:01:57 PST 2000

A trap or trappe is a baking vessel.  Many of the wood cuts show straight,
high walled dishes similar to a modern casserole dish.  

Most medieval ovens were of the heat-mass type, where a fire was built
inside to heat the mass of the oven, then removed and the bake goods placed
inside to be baked by the heat radiating from the oven.  Otherwise, a cloche
or a baking pot (similar to the Dutch oven) would probably have been used
with the coals heaped around it.


>      So here I am, reading a recipe for a tart, and trying to
> redact it, when I see it says, "Take a crust ynche depe in a
> trap." So I say to myself, "Self, what exactly is a trap?"  I
> checked out some other recipes, and noticed that they referred
> to it as well..."and bake it in a trap."  Now as I am sitting
> here, I'm wondering...was the trap the crust of the tart, and
> does it therefor have a top on it? (Seeing as the filling would
> be "trapped" inside.)  Or is it the vessel it was cooked in, as
> in a dutch oven? (Where coals are put under, around and over and
> the tart would be "trapped" in that.)  
>      So I ask you all, which is it?  The vessel, or the crust? 
> Or is it even something completely different than that?
>        Elisabeth

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