SC - Traps?

Decker, Terry D. TerryD at Health.State.OK.US
Thu Mar 9 07:01:59 PST 2000

> Are the sides of the pie straight up, or sloping like modern pie tins?
> Are they in a container, or is it just the pastry?
> Seumas
A Hostess pie is just the pastry.  Cut a circle of rolled out dough, put
filling on half, fold over the dough, crimp the edges, and bake.  It is a
field expedient form of preparing a self-contained individual meal.

Early pie pans appear to be ceramic with high, straight sides.

Late period pie pans seem to be similar to modern un-fluted tart pans with
low sides and a slight taper.

All of this is inference based on a number of wood cuts and painting.


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