SC - don't cringe too bad....

Michael Macchione Michael.Macchione at
Thu Mar 23 13:03:28 PST 2000

The University that I teach at has a program which entails having 
students plan and cook a meal in a special dining hall on scattered days 
throughout the semester.  The students must pick a "theme" for their 
meal.  Usually it is something like Italian or "Fresh from the Sea".  Now 
the entire menu does not have to reflect that theme (not ever dish in the 
Fresh from the Sea meal is seafood.... but the side dishes go with the 
seafood dishes)

They just posted the menu for next tuesday whose theme is "Medieval Feast".

Here it is verbatim:

Ghastly Goulash: Beef Barley Soup
Chivarous Salad: Caesar Salad
The King's Favorite: Broiled Chicken thighs with Sherry and Honey
Dragon's Eggs: Baked Potato Bar
Court's Classic: Italian Hoagie with Merlin's Macaroni Salad and pickle
Glistening Carrots
UniCORN on the Cob

The Royal Treatment:  Pecan Pie
Jester's Surprise: Rocky Road Fudge Bars
Magic Muffins: Lemon Raspberry Muffins

I couldn't help but laugh when I realized that the only thing on the menu 
that I could definitively say was actually medieval was the pickle.  I 
figure the soup might be and am not sure of the Chicken dish (probably 
the carrots as well depending on what they mean by Glistening).   I plan on 
writing a letter to someone (haven't decided on who yet) on how incorrect 
this menu is.  Can anyone help me out by supplying facts like Potatoes 
and corn are new world, when Caesar salads originated... that kind of 
thing, so that I can be accurate when I write this letter to properly 
teach these uninformed individuals.


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