SC -

margali margali at
Sat Mar 25 06:09:27 PST 2000

vegemite? very salty, sort of like a hyper condensed soy sauce sort of
flavor with hints of beef bouillion-no beef in it, it may be a flavor
attributable to the yeast extract correlating to the hydrolyzed yeast
found in a lot of commercial beef flavored products...
It is supposedly an acquired taste, and apparently I acquired it very
young in canada. I suppose if not used properly[in very small amounts as
an additive to soups or as a thin schmeer on toast] but in large glops
it gould be really nasty. Probably a result of somebody hearing it is
spread on toast and they glopped it on like we do with preserves-that
would eb way too much and very repulsive.
I could bring some to pennsic if you are going to be there...
I've heard of vegemite, and even seen it for sale in a local store, but
what on _earth_ does it taste like?
- --Maire

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