SC - Pennsic chocolate milk

Michael F. Gunter michael.gunter at
Mon May 1 09:10:56 PDT 2000

In a message dated 4/30/00 2:19:12 PM Eastern Daylight Time, evfemia at 

<< Thanks.  I'll remember that.  
 Evfemia >>

 Many of the supposed 'rules' cited within various SCA groups are oftentimes 
not based on any regulations in the real world but are merely set in place 
because of someone's over concern for a problem that could theoretically 
happen. Many times they are groundless or based on statistically 
insignificant data and not infrequently are just plain attempts at exerting 
unneeded 'control.'

The best way is to call your local health department explaining what you have 
in mind and how it will be done. Contacting your local non-profits and asking 
how they do it is also a good thing.

I offer 'tastes of things and since it is a demo the public is NEVER charged. 
Although the shire would gladly reimburse me, I always have donated the 
things needed for the cooking setup.


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