SC - Dolmas, Dolmades RButler96 at
Mon May 8 15:30:43 PDT 2000

... If you had access to one of those large ovens there the therml mass of
the oven was the heat source for baking (please understand that I am a bear
of little brain today, as it is the first day I worked a full day since
Carpal tunnel surgery.  So I am rambling or unclear, blame that....)

  I am talking about the ones where you build a fire in the oven and then
when the oven walls are up to temperature you clean out the fire. Anyway we
started thinking about some of the recipes which tell you to put a dish in,
after first the bread baked, then x kind of dish and them y kind of dish.
(don't have any recipes at hand right now)

The bakery down the road from Bill's house has one of these and they are
amenable to letting us try it out sometime for a small fee.  (they are also
sponsoring a class on building them, Cost $100 per person, to be scheduled
when 10 people, min. signup).

This question arose the other night as we sat around feeding the fire in the
oven, playing music and watching the sun go down over mud bay, washington.
I came home with some of the bread they later baked. yummmm.

So, what would you do if you had one of these to play with?


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