SC - Boat Wars Menu

Bonne of Traquair oftraquair at
Mon May 8 19:08:32 PDT 2000

There are a lot of dishes cooked in an oven like this.  Just think also of
Tandoori Chicken, named after the oven (tandoor) in which it roasts/bakes.

Key to remember is that the oven will cool over time, so anything that needs
a steady even heat will not do well.  Things that can stand a hot start and
low finish work OK.  This means roast meats (hot to seal, cooler to cook)
and breads (hot to start rise, cooler to cook through) do well in this kind
of oven.

I experimented a little when doing 19th-C LH before I joined the SCA.
Cornbread was OK, except that I forgot to bring any leavening and it was
HEAVY.  But not bad under honey!

                                    ---= Morgan

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