SC - Serving question

Gaylin Walli gwalli at
Tue May 9 09:06:56 PDT 2000

>>I'm new to the list, 8 yrs. into the SCA and I really love the art of
I'm hoping that by observing and reading your thoughts I can better
myself in this area.
I am 27, four-year-old and hubby in tow, Middle ages Irish from
My best...Branwen<<<<

Welcome, good lady, to the list from a fellow Aethelmartian! <grin>

>From where do you hail? I live in Thescorre, mundanely Rochester, and have
played in a lot of spiffy cooks' kitchens in Western NY and Pennsylvania
over the years when I'm not head cook or helping in the kitchen in my
barony. Perhaps we've washed dishes side by side or chopped veggies

I hope you find the list as worthwhile as I have, and that you're not
daunted by the huge amount of email this list generates. Try to stick with
it. There's a fair amount of off-topic silliness at times on this list, but
there's a lot of genuinely helpful and talented people on it, and I find at
least one incredibly useful tip, recipe, histtrical explanation, or cookbook
recommendation in EVERY digest (and generally, more than one). Almost daily,
I forward comments from this list to my laurel and local cooks guild
members, and to friends who are cooks in other kingdoms. Hopefully, Branwen,
you will do the same! :)

Warnest regards, Katja

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