SC - Serving question

Serian serian at
Tue May 9 15:57:46 PDT 2000

>>>Sayyid Suleyman al Rashid ibn Beyazid,
   Proud Ottoman Turk skrev:
    I have a problem with Cariadoc anyway.  He has set himself up as an
expert in terms of "all things arabic", but he is very, very selective.  If
he doesn't like something, or if it is not a part of his very narrow view
of what it means to be arabic (which, if I remember correctly, should be read
as "what it means to be Moorish"), then not only is it not period, its simply
not realistic and/or true.
   When we pointed out that the Islamic world was (and remains) bigger than
the areas of Morocco and Algeria that he concentrates on, we were told we
were mistaken, than we were using non-period sources, or that we were just
plain wrong.
He is thus hardly the expert he sets himself up to be.

    Or let me be more precise.  About the Moors and all things Moorish, yes
he is an expert.  About the greater, larger world of period Islam, he is
farfrom it, mainly because, unfortunately, he chooses to ignore anything
outside of his own interests.

   (A view which is common in society as a whole, unfortunately.)<<<

Now this I think is uncalled for.  By society standard Cariadoc IS an
expert in things arabic.  At least I trust his documentation implicitly.
IMHO Cariadoc IS almost as good as a period reference source and a true
gentleman to boot.
He does make forcible statements about certain things, but we are all
guilty of this particular foible, and if he chooses to ignore some aspect
that he doesn't like, I find it perfectly acceptable if it increases his
enjoyment of what is, in all respects a GAME.
  I have ignored certain customs or ingredients because I don't like them.
I would be horrified if someone I knew discounted all the other reseach and
documentation I did, just because of this.  The SCA is a game for all
intents and purposes.  Some of us religously document and research various
aspects, others are content merely to throw on a tattered coathardie that
they have been wearing to events for the past three years and enjoy the
experience and atmosphere.  I have been one of those who like to watch from
the side lines and I have gone through phases where I document religiously
some aspect or another.  Gentles like cariadoc have contributed to the
flavour and feel of events just by being there, and acting like their
personas should.
Now I've had my two cents worth (and quite possibly shoved my foot in my
mouth to boot)
- -Katerine (hopping back to the safety of The Rock.)

He has gained the reputation as an expert for the long hours of research
and his dedication to playing his chosen persona to the best of his
ability. I believe that his dedication should be applauded rather than
- -Katerine

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