SC - OT Vegetarian Vampires (was Absinthe)

Siegfried Heydrich baronsig at
Thu May 11 16:13:03 PDT 2000

I'm going to a weekend event, and basically will picnic the
whole time.  I have fruit, of which I am not suspicious,
gouda cheese, boiled eggs, jerky, bread, carrots, and
something OOP that I enjoy making.

I made the jerky marinade with
lemon, ginger, salt, marjoram, olive oil, vinegar

The OOP item, because I know someone will ask, are galettes.
2 c flour
2 eggs
1 stick butter
2T Milk
2-4T sugar
Oven 425

combine into a dough, either press into a round pan, a
roundish mass on a stone, or break into 8 individual
servings.  Travels well, tastes good.  That's one thing I
don't care if it's period or not because I and friends love


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