SC - Pennsic Advice needed

Patrick Hood kelan at
Fri May 19 02:51:04 PDT 2000

In a message dated 5/18/00 8:48:14 PM Pacific Daylight Time, stefan at 

> I can see that this over and under motion could be useful for aeriating
>  the food you are stirring. Is there a particular type of food preperation
>  where this around and around motion excells?

Actually, no.  To be truthful and blunt, stirring is stirring, and you 
actually get the best results, in most cases, by combining different 
techniques.  One example I can think of in which a particular technique is 
required, though, is in the folding of egg whites or whipped cream into a 
heavier base.  The over-under method is gentler than an around-and-around 
method, and will not deflate your whites or cream as much.  As to the theory 
that stirring in one direction is required for chocolate or Hollandaise 
sauce, I have made both countless times, and have never had any difficulties 
when changing direction mid-stir.

Balthazar of Blackmoor

Complacency Breeds Contempt

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