SC - HTML plea again..

Siegfried Heydrich baronsig at
Fri May 19 09:28:06 PDT 2000

> Questions in no particular order.
> Who is a must meet?

Um. Me! I'm a damned fine guy and will no doubt leave you changed for years.
Hey, you got a sister?

> Where should i camp?  (Looking for comfort, own a pavillion and a great wok)

Probably in the Cooks encampment. It sounds pretty schweet. I'll be on the
because I'll be with my kingdom.

> Would my fellow fighting cook types suggest I fight or take advantage of all
the classes?

To be honest, the fighting. The classes are great and I do intend to
participate but the fighting
at Pennsic is never to be missed.

> How can i finaly meet some of the great SCA cook list types?  Will you be
> wearing your cuksoles/ flaming lizards?

No. But I'll be in a purple surcote with two escallops on the shoulders and a
Maltese Cross in
the middle that are white. The cooks party is good as well as the period
cooking roundtable.
Or you can just ask around for us by name.

> What do you wish someone had told you before your first Pensic?

Bring clothes for hot, cold, dry, wet. Make sure you have some clothing and
stuff in a watertight
bag just in case. Bring lots of bottled water. Pennsic water is safe but nasty
tasting. Eat at the
Ansteorran Chili party. Go to the parties. Put a limit on your spending funds.
Take at least one day
off from fighting to recover and go shopping. Wear comfortable shoes. Bring
protection if you hope
to get lucky. Watch or participate in the Pas d'Armes. Try not to stare too
much at the Tuchux, remember
that in real life they are stockbrokers and such. Be nice to people in the
shower rooms. That could be
a King you are being rude to. Fight honorably and remember that there are lots
of different kingdoms
with different standards. Cold chili actually tastes good while sitting on the
battlefield and having some
between battles. The holds are very long so flirt with the waterbearers.

But don't forget about the sunscreen.

> Nyckademus



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