SC - Charles Perry alysk at
Tue May 23 13:57:41 PDT 2000

<< So again I ask my original question: when people quote Apicius
typically reference a number like "Apicius 227." If the numbers
reference recipe numbers, which text are they using? >>

As far as I know, there are two different systems of notation:

- -- One system has running numbers from 1 to 428, 468, 478 or so. This
system is used e.g. in the standard edition of Jacques Andre's (the
other Latin standard edition being Milham), in some translations
(Vehling, as Allison pointed out, Gollmer) and older editions (Schuch).

- -- The other system works with the book, the section and the recipe
number in the section, e.g. 7.14.1 refers to the first recipe in the
14th section of book 7. This system is used in the edition of Milham and

So, to come back to your question: "which text are they using?" As the
running-number-system is used in different books differently, it depends
_who_ is quoting; all you can do is use the standard way to find out
which text somebody quotes:
    look into his/her bibliography or footnotes ;-)

(there is a short Apicius-list at the beginning of

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