SC - Re: Medieval Times

RANDALL DIAMOND ringofkings at
Thu May 18 18:15:48 PDT 2000

Balthazar comments:
>>>>How many of you on this list who are ridiculing 
this company for their "unauthenticity" actually 
use period stitches when making your garb?  
How many use sewing machines???  Let he who 
is without sin cast the first stone.<<<<
Duck Balthazar!  INCOMING!  Yep, my own personal
efforts at costuming are done with period stiching and
are done with needle and thread.  Almost all of this garb 
was of period fabrics (linen, silk, leather, fur, etc.) and
let me tell you, a hoppelonde in heavy brocaded linen
(fully lined) of 28 yards takes a lot of sewing!  Of course,
I don't turn down machine made garb from close friends
or such for field wear.  I admit the fedora is a purchased
slightly OOP item though.

I have often considered going to these Medieval Times-like
dinner shows, but just can't get over paying so much for
a lousy meal and watch rehashed Rennie jousting.  I don't
go to Ren Faires anymore either.  Why should I go in garb
that is more period than the actors, walk around (unpaid)
doing the same thing as the "colour" actors and then endure
criticism that my garb is not Rennaissance.  Of course, they
mean Elizabethan; they wouldn't recognize Italian Ren if
it bit em.  Ignorant bastards.  I see little difference with the
"medieval" dinner shows.   Crank up the catapults!

Akim Yaroslavich
"No glory comes without pain"

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