SC - What Would Have Been Your Job in Medieval Times?

DeSevyngy at DeSevyngy at
Fri May 26 13:32:44 PDT 2000

In a message dated 5/26/00 11:07:03 AM Mountain Daylight Time, lcm at 

<< I did this a couple of months back, and then they said I was I think a
 jester/troubadour. But now I'm a shepherd. I wonder what changed? Has
 work for the corporate moster changed what I am? >>

More than likely you were in a slightly different mood the first time you did 
it.  The friend of mine that showed me the site goes through periods of 
running the test on herself every day or so.  Provided she answers honestly 
for how she is feeling at that time, she'll get different responses.  She'll 
then use the responses to determine if she's facing the day with a smile on 
or if she needs to adjust her attitude before she starts making business 
calls that day.  Found it a useful trick myself a time or two. 

The site is a rather clever marketing tool.  CMI is a neat company.  You sign 
up, go down to LA for a few days, go through a day long test of similar 
questions to those on the site. The next day, you have a four hour interview 
with a staff member, they advise you as to which fields (even which aspects 
of fields) you are most likely to succeed in.  The tests are long and 
exaustive, they can ask the same question 10 times and in 10 different ways, 
but their results are highly accurate.  A friend of mine in college went 
there about 8 years ago.  They said he would do OK in biology (his degree 
course) but that he would be far more successful working in tech support for 
computer programing.  Fun thing, he switched to computers and is now wildly 
successful and really enjoys his work.

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