SC - new book in the making

Philip & Susan Troy troy at
Thu May 11 07:02:09 PDT 2000

Huette von Ahrens wrote:
> Is Thomas Gloning no longer subscribed to this list?
> If he has left, this is quite a lose for us.  He
> always has something very interesting to add to our
> discussions.

He has, apparently. He said, in essence, that he couldn't justify
spending the time for such a high e-mail volume when historical/food
content ratio was comparatively low. 

Given the warnings we've received from The Papa about both courtesy and
topicality, I'm not surprised. I switched back from the digest last
night (because I felt I needed to monitor more closely what's happening
to this list) after midnight, went to bed, and in about five hours woke
up to discover 67 messages in my mailbox. Some of which actually had to
do with period or SCA cookery concerns, but then others, well, you know
the deal.

There are currently some 205 members of this list (digest-list members
excepted), and volume has gotten huge. I think it's time we all adopt
the habit of thinking carefully, about both content as well as overall
necessity, before we hit that send key.
Obligatory culinary-history content ;  ) : Dr. Gloning seems quite happy
to discuss any food history issues privately, should anyone require his input.

- -- 
Phil & Susan Troy

troy at

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