SC - Re: Asian Cuisine

Elaine Koogler ekoogler at
Wed May 17 09:05:40 PDT 2000

Thanks for the information.  I wound up ordering 58, 60 & 61.  I found an additional
article on Chinese cookery that I wanted, so ordered that as well.  The article we were
all talking about is "Ni Tsan and his 'Cloud Forest Hall Collection of Rules for
Drinking and Eating'", published in issue #60, with correctins in #61.  The article in
58 is "Head Cook from the Forest" by Su-Mei Yu (which is backwards for Chinese names, should be Yu Su-mei).  I have no idea what the last one is, but if it's any
good, I'll let you folks know.


Adamantius wrote:

> I don't have my PPC's unpacked and shelved yet, but I think it's #59
> that has the cookbook, and 61 that has the corrections? I could be wrong
> but that would be pretty close. The current issue is #63 or 64, IIRC.

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