SC - juniper berries - long

allilyn at allilyn at
Mon May 22 20:52:32 PDT 2000

German cookery, Lorix.  The English seemed to have been busy trying to
invent gin with theirs! ;-)

The above URL is for one of Gwen-Cat's sites.  She is doing some English
translation of Marx Rumpoldt's Cookbook, and you can find Sabina Welser's
Cookbook, in English, Valoise Armstrong's translation at

A favorite Germanic use for them is in Sauerbraten.

Here's a recipe from the Rheinfrankisches Kochebuch, but I haven't passes
this one past Thomas yet, so I hope it's right.

37.  Willst du eine Füllung zubereiten für eine Gans, dann nimm eine
Gans, die jung und gut im Futter sein soll oder auch etwas älter, und
hebe die Haut wie bei einem Huhn ab (so daß zwischen Fleisch und Haut
Zwischenräume für die Füllung entstehen).  Zerstoße Knoblauch und Pfeffer
in einem Steinmörser, und fülle die Gans (unter der Haut) damit und auch
mit (ebensfalls zerkleinerten) Wacholderbeeren.  Stopfe diese Füllung
auch ins Innere der Gans, und hacke (vorher) Speck dazu und grüne, also
ungetrocknete Weinbeeren, soviel du möchtest, und fülle dann die Gans

If you wish to prepare a filling for a goose, then take a goose, that is
young and good in its feet [a method of telling how healthy the goose
was] or else also one a little older, and raise the skin as you do for a
hen, (so that between the flesh and the skin there is room for the
filling).  Pound garlic and pepper in a stone mortar, and fill the goose
with this and also with ground juniper berries.  Stuff this filling also
inside the goose, and chop bacon into it and green, fresh wine grapes, as
much as you want, and fill the goose with it.

>>Is there some reason people can't just pick them off their juniper
bushes? I can't stand even the smell of them myself, but they're common
landscaping plants around here.<<

I asked a neighbor who has a landscaping business.  He thought some
junipers might have poison berries, didn't know about mine.  You'd need
to investigate juniper species very carefully before trying this.

Allison,     allilyn at

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