Honey (Was SC - Ice)

Lee-Gwen Booth piglet006 at globalfreeway.com.au
Thu May 25 06:31:59 PDT 2000

- ----- Original Message -----
From: Corwyn
>  Crystallized honey is a yummy spread though, I sometimes feel a little
> when friends want to throw out crystallized honey because it's "gone bad"
> I offer to dispose of it for them... but I have explained it to people
> before, about half still want to get rid of it, go figure.

In Australia, crystallised honey is known as "candied" honey (and it may be
in other places too, for all I know).  When she was a child (there are those
who might argue that she still is!) my Lady, Adelle, used to live across the
road from the "honey factory" (i.e. processing plant).  One day Adelle's
mother came home with a bucket of candied honey, which my Lady had never
seen before, and she was firmly convinced that her mother must have paid
extra for such a fine luxury.  (It is worth noting that Adelle's family -
given that her father is an itinerant preacher - lived in relative poverty
and that her mother had almost certainly got the honey at a discounted
price.  She was a very optimistic child!)


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