SC - Easy Spanish Translations (?)

CBlackwill at CBlackwill at
Wed May 10 17:19:50 PDT 2000

In a message dated 5/10/00 5:07:30 PM Pacific Daylight Time, harper at 

> Receta para hacer chorizos
>       Carne de puerco magra y gorda picada, harina muy cernida, ajos
>  mondados, clavos molidos, vino blanco, sal la que fuere menester. Amasarlo
>  todo con el vino y despues de masado, dejarlo en un vaso cubierto un dia
>  natural. Y despues henchir las tripas de vaca o puerco, cual quisieredes,
>  de esta masa y ponerlas a secar al humo.
    Hmmmnn...  I don't speak Spanish very well, and have only a limited 
vocabulary (mostly as it relates to a Dishwasher's duties in Restaurants, and 
very simple instructions for basic prep), and even I can _almost_ pick out 
this recipe well enough to make a _vague_ translation.  I would, of course, 
need help with some of the words (Amasarlo, masado, and a few others), but 
the point is that, the original poster is right.  This _seems_ like it would 
be a lot easier (for me, anyway) than trying to translate Latin or Italian.  
Think of how easy it would be for someone who actually speaks the language..

Balthazar of Blackmoor

Complacency Breeds Contempt

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